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Here are the most common English idioms and phrases that will enrich your English vocabulary and make you sound like a native speaker. Now with even more idioms and phrases added!

Bite the bullet

meaning : To face a difficult or painful situation with courage and determination.

Beat around the bush

meaning : To avoid addressing the main topic and instead discuss irrelevant details.

Break the ice

meaning : To initiate a conversation or activity to overcome initial awkwardness or tension.

Piece of cake

meaning : Something that is very easy to do or accomplish.

Hit the nail on the head

meaning : To describe or identify something accurately.

Cost an arm and a leg

meaning : To be very expensive.

Under the weather

meaning : Feeling unwell or sick.

A blessing in disguise

meaning : Something that seems bad or unfortunate at first but turns out to be beneficial.

Bury the hatchet

meaning : To reconcile or make peace with someone, especially after a long-standing conflict.

Don't cry over spilled milk

meaning : Don't waste time worrying about things that have already happened and cannot be changed.

Cry wolf

meaning : To raise a false alarm or make up a story to get attention, which leads to people not believing you when you're telling the truth.

Every cloud has a silver lining

meaning : There is something positive or hopeful even in difficult or challenging situations.

Jump the gun

meaning : To start doing something too soon or before the appropriate time.

Actions speak louder than words

meaning : What a person does is more significant than what they say.

In the same boat

meaning : In the same difficult situation or circumstance as others.

On thin ice

meaning : In a risky or dangerous situation where one's actions could lead to trouble or harm.

Once in a blue moon

meaning : Something that happens very rarely or infrequently.

Steal someone's thunder

meaning : To take credit for someone else's idea or success.

The ball is in your court

meaning : It's your turn to make a decision or take action.

Two peas in a pod

meaning : Two people who are very similar or close in personality and behavior.

A dime a dozen

meaning : Something very common and easy to find; of little value due to its abundance.

Apple of my eye

meaning : Someone or something that is cherished above all others; a favorite.

Cost a pretty penny

meaning : To be expensive; to cost a large amount of money.

Cut to the chase

meaning : To get to the main point or most important part of something directly.

Fit as a fiddle

meaning : To be in excellent physical health and condition.

Keep your chin up

meaning : To stay positive and optimistic in the face of adversity.

On cloud nine

meaning : Feeling extremely happy and joyful.

Raining cats and dogs

meaning : Raining very heavily.

Saved by the bell

meaning : Rescued from a difficult situation by a timely intervention.

The whole nine yards

meaning : Everything or all of it; the complete extent or amount of something.

Turn over a new leaf

meaning : To start anew or make a fresh start in life, behavior, or attitude.

Wild goose chase

meaning : A futile or fruitless pursuit of something unattainable or unrealistic.

Burning the midnight oil

meaning : To work late into the night or early morning hours.

Blessing in disguise

meaning : Something that initially appears to be a misfortune but turns out to have positive outcomes.

Easier said than done

meaning : Said when something seems simple to do or accomplish in theory but is challenging in practice.

Go the extra mile

meaning : To put in extra effort or go beyond what is expected in order to achieve something.

Hit the hay

meaning : To go to bed or go to sleep.

In hot water

meaning : In trouble or facing difficulties due to one's actions or decisions.

Kill two birds with one stone

meaning : To achieve two objectives with a single action or effort.

Make a long story short

meaning : To summarize or give the main points of a story or explanation briefly.

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